5 Oct 2013


Back in school, I was that kid who spent far too much time making things look neat. I held personal pride and the envy of my peers in my handwriting (although my English teacher wasn't a fan because it wasn't joined-up-writing – oh piss off). I cared deeply about the quality of my homework, making sure not only that it was good and 'correct', but also that it looked perfect (not that it was). I was that kid who drew meticulous diagrams for the science report, did a front cover and contents page for the maths project, and funnily enough the only kid who actually did that one essay task for art class. Yeah, I was him.

In those days, I thought of Design (or D&T) merely as the subject in which you made wooden boxes, I really thought that was it. I had no idea that design was something that stretched to all realms of life and civilisation as we know it – and I really mean everything. These past two years or so have taught me that design is far more significant, whilst admittedly subtle, in the human world and a discipline that plays a key role, a vital role in everything, from chairs and packaging to strategies and communication. And really I want to be engaged with all of what design encompasses, to affect and essentially improve our lives. Who knew that that kid back in school was already so design-conscious.

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